Thursday, 18 October 2007

The world's friendliest countries

Libya is one of the world's friendliest countries, and that wasn’t my own finding but a survey which was carried out and compiled by travel experts at the Lonely Planet, something to feel proud about, and what a lovely country indeed.,,70141-1288711,00.html


Anglo-Libyan said...

something to feel proud about indeed.
thank you for this interesting information, im enjoying the lonely planet website now :o)

Weldemdina said...

You welcome AL, there are quite interesting read in that site specially in relation to Libya

Happymoi said...

im sorry i spoiled the ending:(
im really sorry! but you should read it ..its still a good are you a fan of John Grisham?

فراشة said...

اهلا بيك في ليبيا
بلاد الراحة
و كل شي ماشي ع البركة

اهلا وسهلا

Hiba said...

شكرا علي المعلومه

butterfly: ضحكتيني لين شرقتيني
كل شيء ماشي بالبركة
حتي البركة بتغير رايها وبدورلها زبون جديد..فد قلبها مسكينه

اني ندوي علي البركه